Thursday, September 10, 2015

September 11th Activity:

Individually, please respond to the following question in your journal online and then share it with me through google docs:

  • Jot down any memories you may have of 9/11, and reflect on them. If you do not have any memories of 9/11, think about what you might remember from another important and relevant  time in history and reflect on that.
  • What, if anything, has changed about the way in which Americans travel through an airport since September 11, 2001. Based on your conclusion answer one of the following questions: What is that cause of these changes? Why do you think there has not been a change?
  • Then, you may view the 9/11 timeline, found here.
Do NOT move on until I instruct you to do so.

Your first task will be to analyze the cartoon below. After 9/11, the Federal government took steps to increase airport security. Explain the cartoonist's point of view on this issue. Do you agree with the cartoonist? Why or why not? Answer these questions in your online journal. You will share your responses with your groups.
When you have finished, you will be split into groups and prepare a Google document titled, "September 11th Activity". Each group will answer the following questions that relate to the reading (article found here):
  • Boarding planes and flying was much easier before 9/11. What do you think are the three biggest changes since 9/11? 
  • If you had to fly today, would the changes implemented by DHS and TSA make you feel safer and more secure? 
  • In what ways has 9/11 changed the airlines and our sense of security? 
  • Have there been any recent events concerning airline security that you have heard about? What happened?
  • Do you think the changes that have been made are sufficient, too much, or not enough? Explain.
The document must have all group members name on it and be posted into our classroom account by the due date.

Your homework for next class is to generate a list of five questions to ask a relative or close friend about the changes made to travel since September 11th. Post your questions and their answers in a Google document to our classroom site by next class.

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