Monday, September 21, 2015

History of Aviation

Today you will work with a partner and create a timeline presentation for the history of aviation. Below are a few topics/inventors/dates that you must include in your slideshow presentation. You will need to include additional information on other topics that you come across in your research. Each slide/date of the timeline should explain what happened at that point in history (you must write more than one sentence). The timeline should be visually appealing, include images for each date (if applicable), and a works cited page for your sources as well.

May 1937
Orville and Wilbur Wright
The Golden Age (this may take a few slides!)
Daniel Bernoulli
Leonardo daVinci
Robert Brothers
Robert Goddard
July 16, 1969
1932- Amelia Earhart
Modern day airplanes
Otto Lilienthal

Be sure to submit your slideshow to classroom by the assigned time.

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