Thursday, September 17, 2015

Google SketchUp

In class we will begin working in Google SketchUp. You will be required to view and complete the following tutorials by the end of the block. Listen and practice along with the director of the tutorials. You should be following along and doing exactly what she does. Pausing the tutorial at certain times may help.
Complete only tutorials 1 & 2 today. You do not need to save any work while doing the tutorial; it is simply just for you to practice and get the hang of the program.

SketchUp Tutorials

When you have finished the tutorials, I would like you to try to recreate the design from the tutorial. You can make any additions or modifications that you choose, but be sure the house represents in some way the one you created in the tutorial. You will take screen shots of the top, front, and side views (see example below). Then, you will insert and label them in a google doc, and then post the doc in classroom.

Top, Front, & Side view example:

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